Board of Directors Approved 11/07/02

October 24, 2002


Present: Koch, Gemmer, French, Frisbie, Olsen, Fell, Brooks, Varady, Bardizbanian, Wilson, Steiner, Capozzo, Sottana

Ex-Officio: Chesarek

Election Of 2003 Officers

Olsen motioned to table the election of officers until the November 7, 2002 Board of Directors meeting to give the newly elected directors an opportunity to consider the options for officers. Frisbie seconded, the motion carried unanimously. Replacement of Resigned Director

A discussion on nominating the 2003 candidate receiving the fifth highest vote or to nominate from the membership.
Not knowing who received the fifth highest vote, Olsen nominated Justus to fill the vacancy. Bardizbanian seconded. The motion failed 3Y / 4N.

Varady motioned to fill the vacancy with the fifth highest candidate to complete the two year term. French seconded, the motion carried. John Justus is elected, subject to his acceptance.

The meeting adjourned at 6:58 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Anne Gemmer, Secretary